Since I tend to think while writing, I might as well dump my thoughts here. This site will likely be the archive for my new newsletter. How new? Well, I came up with the idea today.
I've thought of developing an email newsletter many times in the past. It's great for building up connections for later on, when I get a book published. The problem was content. How was I going to fill the newsletter with enough worthwhile words so that people would read it? I tried writing a serial - it went nowhere. And I have enough books to review as it is.
Then today something clicked. I was on Yahoo Groups requesting quotes, and the "Start your own group" button looked way too attractive. Then a package arrived from Harvest House, with a book to review for an author friend plus
three other novels. Titles the publisher sent with no obligation on my part. Books that if they turn out to be incredible (why not?) I'll want to tell the world.
And I wondered why I was reading books to review when I could just review the books I read. No forcing myself through boring books. No agonizing about making each review more eloquent than the last. Just short, snappy reviews delivered straight to your inbox. Posted on this blog. Linked to at
Christian Novels.
You can get the back cover copy at any online seller. You can get the first chapter on
Christian Book Previews, email lists, and publisher websites. You can get author interviews on half a dozen blogs. You can get academic reviews in journals and uninformed reviews on Amazon. But nothing beats having a friend who loves to read telling you, "This is
good. Here's why . . ."
And so Reviewing Christian Novels was born.
It'll likely be monthly. It'll include reviews of fantasy and suspense and chick-lit and historical and romance and mystery and more - because if it's a good book, genre doesn't matter to me. It'll launch sometime this fall or winter - January at the latest. And it'll likely include contests and drawings, because everyone loves free books.
Stay tuned for more! But you don't need to keep checking back here.
Subscribe to my Yahoo Groups mailing list!